I've posted two new Begonia photos on the wiki. One is of Begonia grandis with some companion plants. The other is of Begonia sutherlandii. Take a look at: http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/… These photos were taken by Wayne Crist and are of plants in his garden. Begonia sutherlandii is worth trying as a garden plant in protected areas here in the Washington, D.C. area. Try it near a wall or in a similarly protected spot. In the open garden it's not a sure thing - and survivors emerge into growth very late. In suitable spots it will clump up quickly because of the numerous little tubers which form in the leaf axils. I have yet to find the right spot for Begonia sutherlandii in my garden, but I hear of a garden in nearby Prince George's County, Maryland, where it takes care of itself. Begonia grandis var. evansiana is in full bloom now in local gardens. Incidentally, an IPNI search brings up Begonia evansiana for this plant, and cites B. grandis as a synonym of the Brazilian Begonia ficifolia. Is there a Begonia taxonomist out there who can shed some light on this? Enjoy! Jim McKenney jimmckenney@starpower.net Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where I grew up calling the hardy begonia Begonia evansiana and would not mind going back to that usage.