REPLY: [pbs] voles
Sat, 04 Sep 2004 08:54:04 PDT
In a message dated 9/4/04 5:52:37 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> . . . hurling rocks and imprecations at the deer.

Judy ~

You need to get to know Frans Officer and a long time resident of a southern 
suburb of Minneapolis noted for its large numbers of deer.  He keeps a large 
can of marbles and a slingshot at several locations around the house and 
property.  He maintains that (as one's accuracy improves!!) this has been a fairly 
good deer deterrent (he has notable collections of L. Martagon hybrids and 
species along with hosta and other shade-loving plants under the oak trees that 
cover the property ).  He had said that, now, he has to be surreptitious about 
opening doors or windows to get a shot at a deer since they are all pretty much 
wise to the "slingshot effect."

Actually, the only permanent deterrent is a double line of fencing about four 
to five feet apart since they will not jump the inner one when they determine 
they don't have the space to do so.  And there are other methods, as well, 
including "effective control agents" like cougar and wolves.

Dave Karnstedt (a former resident of rural Minnesota where the deer are 
thicker than voles!!)
Silverton, Oregon, USA

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