Rats vs rats

Arnold Trachtenberg arnold@nj.rr.com
Fri, 03 Sep 2004 14:10:49 PDT
    *   Effects on other organisms: Zinc phosphide is also toxic to
      non-target mammals when ingested directly [8]. Nearly 60 studies
      have been conducted on the toxicity of this rodenticide to wild
      animals. Secondary toxicity to mammalian predators (animals eating
      other animals that had been exposed to the compound) from zinc
      phosphide is rather low, primarily because the compound does not
      significantly accumulate in the muscles of target species [8].
      Some of the toxic effects to predators have been due to the
      ingestion of zinc phosphide that was in the digestive tract of the
      target organism. Studies on secondary organisms have focused on
      coyotes, fox, mink, weasels, and birds of prey. Under field
      conditions, most of the toxic effects to non-target wildlife are
      due to direct exposures resulting from misuse or misapplication of
      this rodenticide [8].




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