November 2004 Archives by thread
Starting: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 22:58:12 PST
Ending: Tue, 30 Nov 2004 19:09:14 PST
Messages: 239
- Cal Hort Meeting Monday November 15, 2004
- Manfreda seeds
- APHIS crackdown on noxious weed vendors
- Another note on pots Mary Sue Ittner
- Another note on pots Gilbert Nancy L Contr 9 CES/CEC
- Another note on pots diana chapman
- Propagation of Lycoris J.E. Shields
- Bletilla striata offsetting and in active growth Burger, Steve
- Shade loving amaryllids Burger, Steve
- Bletilla striata offsetting and in active growth
- New nerine photos on wiki Angelo Porcelli
- Revisiting Scoria
- Nerines Blooming J.E. Shields
- Pacific BX 80 Dell Sherk
- Calochortus -- TOW Mary Sue Ittner
- Not a new species on BX 80 Laura & Dave
- Pacific BX 80
- Manfreda seeds
- Pacific BX 80 Robert Parker
- Zephyranthes citrina seeds, SASE
- Will the real Zephyranthes citrina please stand up
- Lachenalia and Albuca
- Scilla lingulata Jane McGary
- Narcissus alpestris cindy and bruce
- Scilla lingulata Jane McGary
- Lachenalia and Albuca diana chapman
- Many thanks Burger, Steve
- Eucomis vandermerwei
- Calochortus Hybrids Gilbert Nancy L Contr 9 CES/CEC
- Not exactly a bulb question
- Calochortus Hybrids diana chapman
- Was Calochortus Hybrids, now email filtering
- Eucomis vandermerwei
- Calochortus--TOW--High Elevation Species diana chapman
- Eucrosia bicolor Burger, Steve
- Narcissus alpestris
- Narcissus alpestris/pseudonarcissus moschatus Mary Sue Ittner
- Eucrosia bicolor Alberto Castillo
- Eucrosia bicolor Kevin D. Preuss
- Shade loving amaryllids Kevin D. Preuss
- Storing Pollen J.E. Shields
- Neomarica germination
- Fall Blooming Crocus Mary Sue Ittner
- Fall Blooming Crocus Kathy Stokmanis
- Fall Blooming Crocus Boyce Tankersley
- Calochortus--TOW diana chapman
- [POSSIBLE SPAM ] - Re: [pbs] Calochortus--TOW - Bayesian Filter detected spam Boyce Tankersley
- Fall Blooming Crocus Jane McGary
- Calochortus--TOW Gilbert Nancy L Contr 9 CES/CEC
- treasurer's new email address JENNIFER HILDEBRAND
- [POSSIBLE SPAM ] - RE: [pbs] Fall Blooming Crocus - Email found in subject Boyce Tankersley
- Calochortus--TOW - Bayesian Filterdetected spam Eugene Zielinski
- Narcissus alpestris cindy and bruce
- Rain Lily Seedlings, What About Crowding?
- Crocus niveus in a cold climate
- Rain Lily Seedlings, What About Crowding? Alberto Castillo
- basal disk piaba
- basal disk and veltheimia
- basal disk David Sneddon
- Seeds J.E. Shields
- Hippeastrum cybister - BX 76 #30 Dr Paul Chapman
- Pacific BX 81 Dell Sherk
- [POSSIBLE SPAM ] - Re: [pbs] Calochortus--TOW - Bayesian Filterdetected spam - Email found in subject Boyce Tankersley
- Favorite Blue Flower Bulbs--TOW Mary Sue Ittner
- Favorite Blue Flower Bulbs--TOW Kathy Stokmanis
- Pacific BX 81 CLOSED Dell Sherk
- Favorite Blue Bulb Gilbert Nancy L Contr 9 CES/CEC
- [POSSIBLE SPAM ] - [pbs] Favorite Blue Flower Bulbs--TOW - Email found in subject Boyce Tankersley
- What About Mexican (and Probably Mexian) Hymenocallis, First Winter
- What About Mexican (and Probably Mexian) Hymenocallis, First Winter Kevin D. Preuss
- Favorite Blue Flower Bulbs--TOW Kevin D. Preuss
- What About Mexican (and Probably Mexian) Hymenocallis, First Winter Christine Council
- Favorite Blue Flower Bulbs--TOW sheilab
- Favorite Blue Flower Bulbs--TOW sheilab
- Leucojum fabrei Mary Sue Ittner
- Leucojum fabrei
- pbs Digest, Vol 22, Issue 17
- Hymenocallis over winter Kevin D. Preuss
- pbs Digest, Vol 22, Issue 17 Kevin D. Preuss
- Hymenocallis over winter
- Herbertia
- New herbertia species
- Favorite Blue Flower Bulbs--TOW Kevin D. Preuss
- Vic Daniels Yellows J.E. Shields
- Membership Directory Cathy Craig
- New Paeonia Page Jamie
- plastic orange boxes Diane Whitehead
- Nerine hybrid Mark Wilcox
- Nerine x Lycoris hybrids . . . ?
- North American Clivia Society Tom Wells
- About Pacific BX 81 Dell Sherk
- Fw:An interesting web site with geophytes and succulents Jamie
- Fw:An interesting web site with geophytes and succulents
- About Pacific BX 81 Cynthia Mueller
- Homeria collina
- Homeria collina Rodger Whitlock
- Rotating Pot Culture For Bulbs
- First Summer For Lachenalia
- Tigridia pavonia winter storage Jim McKenney
- Tigridia pavonia winter storage
- Why wont my seedlings return ? Robert Hamilton
- Storing Hippeastrum seeds Angelo Porcelli
- Why wont my seedlings return ? Daryl Geoghegan
- Cryptostephanus DNA zonneveld
- cryptostephanus DNA zonneveld
- crypto DNA zonneveld
- crypto DNA zonneveld
- Searching the PBS Archives Mary Sue Ittner
- That Outlaw! Homeria.
- That Outlaw! Homeria. diana chapman
- SEARCH of PBS David Sneddon
- Suggestions for atypical crypto zonneveld
- Galanthus elwesii in bloom! Jim McKenney
- That Outlaw! Homeria. Boyce Tankersley
- That Outlaw! Homeria. Mary Sue Ittner
- That Outlaw! Homeria.
- pbs Digest, Vol 22, Issue 26
- Web site for Jepson Prairie
- Still more about Homeria
- An answer, sort of
- New Images Rogan Roth
- Grass Aloes are "sort of" bulbs
- Morea polystachya - hardiness continued James Waddick
- Grass Aloes are "sort of" bulbs
- Grass Aloes J.E. Shields
- Iris cretensis Dennis Kramb
- Book on Aloes J.E. Shields
- New Iris ensata photo added Jay Yourch
- Hardy Aloe, Moraea, and Dierama J.E. Shields
- Galanthus elwesii in bloom! Mark Smyth
- Topics for discussion on our list Mary Sue Ittner
- hippeastrum seedling Dennis Kramb
- hippeastrum seedling Mark Smyth
- About Crinum Seeds and Seedlings (a long missive)
- Grass aloes Floral Architecture
- hippeastrum seedling Kevin D. Preuss
- Favourite blue flowers Bill Dijk
- Interesting find James W. Waddick
- BX/87 Patricia Brooks
- SAorry I meant BX81 Patricia Brooks
- Grass Aloes are good geophytes
- Gethyllis cilliaris John Ingram
- Thanks Paul and now a question Patricia Brooks
Last message date:Tue, 30 Nov 2004 19:09:14 PST
Archived on: Sat, 06 Jan 2024 10:37:42 PST