Joe, Let em go until they do/if they do go dormant...some may keep going all year long. If they do not they will just take longer to grow as large. I had a real hard time w/ this. it usually takes a few years and a few most things. I thought my hym. howardii were gone and the next June they came up w/ vigor. many just go away for the winter. The ones from the SE US are in a hurry to come up in the spring, but those from Mexico are later in breaking...some into late May. Plastic can/will get too hot. A small 8x8x8 plastic house of 2x4's covered w/ plastic and a folding door to open in the day did for me 10 yrs ago when starting some of my first hybrid seedling. One night fell don to 9 F and that was it for most. A few Hipp, including neopardinum, made it, Clivia became mush. Kevin Preuss - St. Pete, FL Where Spider lilies are beginning to dry off, while one from Guatemala is in full bloom!