From 2000: In this discussion, I will try to cover some of the high-altitude species that can be somewhat more challenging to grow. These species absolutely require a cold winter, and their smaller stature can make some a very desirable addition to the rock garden in suitable climates. Although they are generally tolerant of summer water, exposed as they are to the summer storms of the mountains, like all Calochortus they require excellent drainage, with the desert species requiring very dry growing conditions. Most species make superb alpine house subjects. The alpine species of Calochortus are dormant in winter, making most of their growth in spring after the snows melt, and blooming in early to late summer, when they then scatter their seed and go dormant. Some High Altitude Mariposas: Calochortus gunnisonii --- This beautiful Calochortus is found in the Rocky Mountains, usually around 2-3000m, where it experiences extremely severe winters, making it the hardiest Calochortus in the entire genus. Flowers are upward facing, white, pink or lavender, with the interior lower one third covered with black based golden hairs. There is often a deep purple band separating the hairy part of the petal from the upper two thirds. Calochortus leichtlinii --- Generally found around 1500-4000m all down the backbone of the Sierra Nevada mountains, as well as the higher altitudes of the mountain ranges of northern California and southern Oregon. This is a beautiful species, a dazzling white that is difficult to describe with black or very dark crimson markings at the base of the petals. There are some yellow markings at the base of the petals, although in the ones I grow, these are not very prominent. It is quite common in its range. Calochortus bruneaunis --- This species occurs mainly in the mountain ranges of the Great Basin, growing in very dry, cold conditions with very high light intensity. It is somewhat similar in appearance to C. leichtlinii, with some golden markings in the center. Calochortus excavatus --- This lovely species superficially resembles both C. leichtlinii and C. bruneaunis, and comes from a very restricted area on the eastern slopes of the Sierra Nevada in its southern end, around Bishop and the Owens Valley. This, too, comes from very harsh desert conditions with cold winters. Calochortus panamintensis --- As the name suggests, this species is from the Panamint mountains of southern California growing in very dry, cold, desert conditions very similar to the habitat of C. bruneaunis at elevations of 2500-3500m. The flower is white tinted lilac, with a very prominent green stripe to the outside of the petal, and often a deep purple spot around the nectary. Calochortus nuttallii --- This may be the most widespread Calochortus of all, occurring as it does from Nevada northeast into the Dakotas, and southeast into New Mexico, occurring generally in high desert conditions. In the southern part of its range, however, conditions are somewhat milder than in the northern region, therefore different populations may require different growing conditions. Flowers are white to deep pink with brownish markings above the nectary, and lacking an exterior green stripe on the petal. This species is commonly called Sego lily, derived from its Shoshone name. Calochortus macrocarpus --- Found in central Washington, across Idaho into the northern part of the Great Basin, and extending northward up to British Columbia, this species also covers and extremely extensive range. In the high desert regions at elevations of over 1500m where this species grows it endures very cold winters throughout most of its range, in addition to extremely hot summers. Flowers are large, light to deep purple, with a prominent green stripe to the outside of the petal. There is usually a deep purple band above the nectary. High Altitude Star Tulips: Calochortus minimus --- As the name suggests, this is the smallest Calochortus, growing only about 10cm tall, and comes from the high elevations of the central Sierra Nevada. While not showy, with its plain white petals, it does have a certain charm, and is reputed to be one of the easier high altitude Calochortus to grow. Calochortus nudus --- Somewhat similar in appearance to C. minimus, this species grows in the northern range of the Sierra Nevada. The range of both of these species overlaps, and hybrids can be found in the overlapping region. C. nudus has pink to lavender flowers, also unmarked, but the flowers are larger. High Altitude Cat's Ears: Calochortus subalpinus --- This species is found in mountain meadow habitats in the Cascade mountains of Oregon and Washington, where, unlike the high altitude Mariposas, it occupies a range that receives very heavy rainfall which occurs mostly in winter, but it is also exposed to summer rains. The flowers are upward facing, the petals completely covered with silky hairs, and the color range is cream, pale yellow or buff. Calochortus tolmiei --- This species can occur at sea level, but is most commonly found at higher elevations of up to 2000m, in the Coast Range of California, as well as the Sierra Nevada, and the northern California ranges into Oregon and Washington. This is a small species, with a very neat growth habit, usually of about 25-20cm. Flowers come in a range of white, lavender, pink and violet, often with deep purple central markings, and the petals are densely hairy. This beautiful Calochortus is quite easy to grow. Calochortus coeruleus --- Found in the northern Sierra Nevada and the northern Coast Ranges, but more commonly found at high altitude in Oregon and Washington, this species superficially resembles C. tolmiei but is white tinted blue. Growing the High Altitude Species: These species have always had a reputation for difficulty, but this may be because many Calochortus lovers (such as ourselves) are growing them in mild-winter regions, where both seed and bulbs do not receive adequate winter chilling. In addition, many of the alpine species require rather cool summers to successfully complete their growth cycle. Obviously, no-one will be able to grow all of the species mentioned, but some are really worth trying, especially for those IBS members who live where winters are severe. Seed: Seed of many species can be had from Northwest Native Seed (Ron Ratko), Southwestern Native Seed, or the Archibalds. Seed of all the species mentioned must be sown in the fall, and stratified in the refrigerator for those who live in warmer climates than USDA zone 6. The exception to this is C. tolmiei, which can be sown in fall and exposed to winter weather in zones 7 and 8. I usually place the seed in very slightly damp peat or vermiculite in a zip-lock plastic bag, and place it in the food compartment of the refrigerator in about October (northern hemisphere). The seed absolutely should NOT be frozen, even when you are germinating seed from a species such as C. gunnisonii that would be in frozen or close to frozen ground for months. Once the seed has imbibed moisture, freezing can be fatal. Seed bags should be checked about once a week after the first month, and any germinated seed should be potted up. All species should be left in the refrigerator UNTIL THEY GERMINATE - i.e. until you see the emergence of a radicle. Some species will require three or four months at refrigerator temperatures, but some will germinate sooner. The alpine desert species from southern California need to be potted in a very free draining mix containing very coarse grit or perlite (or both), and a little lime, since the soils they grow in desert regions are on the alkaline side. Other Calochortus species do not seem fussy about pH. Seedlings should be kept in a covered area to protect from excessive rain, but exposed to winter temperatures. Obviously, if you live in a region with cold winters (USDA zone 6 or colder), you will be able to sow your seed in the fall and leave your seed pots outside exposed to the weather, but protected from birds and rodents. Most of the alpine species have a much shorter growing period than the low elevation species, and therefore the bulbs will take longer to mature. Bulbs: If your winters are mild, it will be necessary to refrigerate your bulbs each winter. This can be done by removing the bulbs from your pots, and putting them in dry peat in the food compartment of your refrigerator each winter, starting in about October. It is necessary to check the bulbs every two weeks or so for root growth, for if they start energetically producing roots, you will need to take them out and pot them up. Some species need extended refrigeration (up to four months), while others need only six to eight weeks. The ideal refrigerator temperature for the chilling of Calochortus is one or two degrees above freezing. I have to admit that I haven't been growing some of the above species long enough for them to bloom, but most seem to be doing well so far. Bringing a more difficult or rare species to flower is a special joy in itself, and many of these species should prove easier for those member who live in colder climes than California. Diana