Eucrosia bicolor

Alberto Castillo
Wed, 10 Nov 2004 18:10:35 PST

>From: "Burger, Steve" <>
>Reply-To: Pacific Bulb Society <>
>To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <>
>Subject: [pbs] Eucrosia bicolor
>Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 12:31:57 -0500
>How hardy is this plant?  I get the impression it's a zone 9er, but
>sometimes the literature is too conservative.  Does anyone hava any
>experience with this one in cooler climates?

Hi Steve:
Rather than a 9er take it for 10er. I have grown this and two other species 
in the genus and all demand warm conditions even when dormant in winter. 
Otherwise they are as easy to flower as Phaedranassas and the flowers are 
spectacular and long lasting. E. bicolor offsets like mad.

Charla con tus amigos en lĂ­nea mediante MSN Messenger:

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