That Outlaw! Homeria.
diana chapman (Mon, 22 Nov 2004 17:02:50 PST)
I grew Homeria for many years in a climate that should have made them feel
right at home - the Central Valley of California with mild, wet winters and
dry, hot summers. It never seeded at all. However, when the ruling came
down, I took them all into the local agricultural inspector who destroyed
them. I didn't want trouble - not from the Homerias, of course, they were
never any trouble at all.
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2004 3:46 PM
Subject: [pbs] That Outlaw! Homeria.
Some folks wrote to me about Homeria, and the subject of its weediness came
up. I agreed to check with USDA lists. I was surprised to find Homeria
as a noxious weed for the USA.
This means that, if you live in the USA, you (me too) cannot import it from
another country (not plants, not corms, not seeds). It also means that the
plant cannot be mailed or distributed across state lines in the USA.
Some states also outlaw Homeria, I don't have a comprehensive list of those
states. But in the past most states that list a plant as a noxious weed
outlaw any type of ownership for gardening purposes. For sure Alabama and
North Carolina have listed Homeria as a noxious weed.
The USDA outlawed "Homeria spp., cape tulip," which I interpret to mean the
whole genus (no matter if you now call such plants Moraea). But, I don't
the whole genus of Moraea is outlawed--only those plants once known as
Homeria. Very confusing!
So, I have my single potted plant in Texas. I cannot send seeds to another
state, and I cannot receive seeds from another state. In order to avoid
Homeria collina from becoming the "plant that ate Texas," I will watch mine
carefully and prevent any seeds from being released.
Under the law, as I understand it, I can send the seeds to people in Texas,
but I don't think I will. I wonder if anyone in Texas has seeds of the
yellow-flowered type, or some of the pretty bi-colors. Oh well.
I've pasted in some text from the Federal Register, year 2000, just below.
It is the summary of the action listing Homeria as a noxious weed.
Joe Shaw
Federal Register: May 25, 2000 (Volume 65, Number 102)
Homeria spp. added to Weed List
SUMMARY: We are amending the noxious weeds regulations by adding Homeria
spp. (cape tulips) to the list of terrestrial weeds. Listed noxious weeds
may be moved into or through the United States or interstate only under a
written permit and under conditions that would not involve a danger of
dissemination of the weeds. This action is necessary to prevent the
artificial spread of noxious weeds into noninfested areas of the United
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