Rain Lily Seedlings, What About Crowding?

Rodger Whitlock totototo@pacificcoast.net
Sun, 14 Nov 2004 12:31:42 PST
On 13 Nov 04 at 12:22, ConroeJoe@aol.com wrote:

> How crowded, and how long, can I safely keep rain lily
> seedlings in a gallon pot.  They came up heavily, and are like
> a lawn of mondo grass now, at 1 year old and some at 1 1/2
> years.  
> Will they be safe till spring, or will they start to edge each
> other out.  There must be 100 seedlings in each of several
> gallon cans (Z. drummondii, Z. citrina, Z. chlorosolen, Z.
> tubispathus and a few others).  
> Should I divide to save them, or will they tolerate each other
> and just grow slowly.  In spring I'll have more time, energy,
> places, etc., to plant them.  But, I don't want to lose
> substantial numbers.

It is my impression that the Amaryllidaceae generally like 
crowding. At one end of the size range, you have the big 
Christmas hippeastrums: they like a small pot. At the other end, 
I've found that the very dwarf narcissus species seem to flower 
better if the pot is crowded.

Impressions can be mistaken, so if anyone disagrees, speak up.

Rodger Whitlock
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Maritime Zone 8, a cool Mediterranean climate

on beautiful Vancouver Island

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