Dear Joe, My brother grew Homeria in the ground in Houston for a number of years and really loved them. Eventually they dwindled, but where he had them planted it was very shady so don't know if it was that or something else. He was sorry to lose them. I find a lot of the Moraea, Homeria types, that I grow are much happier in the ground than in a pot. They bloom better for one thing. I grew them in raised beds in Stockton in clay soil where I had perennials and they did fine with regular summer water (the raised beds may have helped some and the perennials may have taken up some of the moisture, but the soil was clay) while they were dormant. I believe these are only allowed in states where they can be weedy like California. At least I recall Jim Duggan saying he wasn't supposed to ship them out of state. Otherwise I'd send you some to try planting out as I have some that got dug up when we worked on our septic system. Mary Sue