Grass aloes

Floral Architecture
Sun, 28 Nov 2004 11:23:10 PST
I have one grass aloe that I got years ago from Out of
Africa. It has survived several years with extreme
neglect here in So. CA. I had it planted in the ground
at a community garden that I had. It was dry all the
time except for a monthly flooding. It still flowered
and produced copious amount of seeds. My poor seed
sowing techniques prevented me from getting seedlings.
It went dormant for a year and then came back with a
I believe it is A. myricantha but don't quote me on
I want to get a lot more because I love the look of
them and would like to see them used more in
landscapes here. 
I do believe that they are geophytes because when it
went "dormant" and it was being moved, it had a funky
storage thing that I could only describe as a swollen
root comparable to a small peony. 

John Ingram in L.A., CA. check it out
310.709.1613 (cell, west coast time, please call accordingly. Thank you)

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