ear Nancy, I look forward to seeing the picture of the pale yellow poorly open globe calochortus. 120 mi. north of your site we have Calochortus amabilis(rich yellow globe) and Calochotus tolmei(small openfaced furry white-"pussy ears.") They grow in the same semi shaded hillside which I fenced from the ravenous deer 25 yrs. ago. Since then they bloom in profusion, and in some areas cheek by jowl. There are four plants as you descrobe. They come back but seldom set seed. I tried to germinate the occasional few seeds, but have been unsuccesful. I have pictures but I'm too unskilled to put them on internet. In the Sierras, Their is a cross between Cal. albus(white globe) and Cal. monophyllus(yellow cat's ear.) Sincerely, Bob Werra \ --- Gilbert Nancy L Contr 9 CES/CEC <Nancy.Gilbert@beale.af.mil> wrote: > My husband, Ames, and I happened on some interesting > Calochortus hybrids in > the Mt. Diablo park this spring. One type appeared > to be a hybrid between C. > umbellatus and C. pulchellus and it had all the > intermediate characteristics > you would expect if you married the two. We found > three plants, all within > a small area, that appeared to be these hybrids. > Later in the spring Ames returned and found a very > unique Calochortus > blooming; If I have time I will post some photos and > get opinions on it. If > I were to guess, based simply on apperances, I would > say that it was a > hybrid between C. luteus and and C. umbellatus or C. > luteus and C. > pulchellus. It was the only plant of this type and > was really unusual. It > looked like a miniature, lemon yellow mariposa that > was too shy to fully > open. > Has anyone every heard of these species hybridizing > before? > Nancy Gilbert > > _______________________________________________ > pbs mailing list > pbs@lists.ibiblio.org > http://www.pacificbulbsociety.org/list.php >