What About Mexican (and Probably Mexian) Hymenocallis, First Winter

Christine Council scamp@earthlink.net
Mon, 15 Nov 2004 18:57:56 PST
I just wanted to get off the track a bit. Last Summer I saw a greenhouse in
a little box
at the store and bought it for $19.99. Last week I finally decided to open
the package.
When I opened the box and saw how it was made I decided "I could do that." 
It was made
of heavy plastic (vinyl)the type comforters and spreads are stored in when
we buy them but
it was open at the bottom like a tent.

I promptly looked through my junk shelf and pulled out my supply of spread
and comforter
containers;They are square or oblong and sturdy. If you want to make them
look like a house take two
poles, position them inside of the plastic as if you are building a tent.
They already have a zipper
installed so leave it open or closed and wa lah, you have an A-Frame or
pointed roof. I had two shelves
which I put inside of one and I have a small table I plan to put inside of
the other. I discovered
that this is easy to do and it certainly keeps the frost off and the heat
in. I also like the square
or oblong containers for small plants and flowers. If I can do it any body
can. I am experimenting 
with this new project and it is working well. Some of the containers have
handles so they are easy
to carry. I put the plants outside in the sun and bring them in when the
sun starts to go down if it is
really cold; the plants are doing great. My daughter has a small table with
two built in shelves; I set it inside of the plastic container, put the
plants on the shelves and zipped it. Use your imagination.
Never throw away anything if you like plants because we can use all types
of containers.
Only joking about not throwing away stuff.


> [Original Message]
> From: <ConroeJoe@aol.com>
> To: <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org>
> Date: 11/15/2004 6:46:37 PM
> Subject: [pbs] What About Mexican (and Probably Mexian)
Hymenocallis,First Winter
> Hi,
> How do I overwinter some seedlings?  They germinated in summer, and are 
> mostly doing fine, but short days seem to be enticing them to go dormant.
> I can leave them outside, in pots of good soil that drains well, or I can
> them down, or I can find room for some indoors under lights.
> I have thought about leaving them outdoors but covering the posts with 
> see-through plastic.  The soil won't freeze but frosts of 20-25 can be
> several times--with the next day always rising above 32 F.  
> Advice appreciated, even random speculation or guesses.  
> Conroe Joe
> 75 F today, humid, possible light rain tonight
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