Pacific BX 81
Dell Sherk (Mon, 15 Nov 2004 03:26:25 PST)

Dear All,

The items listed below have been donated by people from all over the
world, to be shared. If you are interested in obtaining some of them, please
email me PRIVATELY at <>. Include "BX 81" in the subject
line. Specify the NUMBERS of the items which you would like; do not specify
quantities. It is a good idea to include your snail mail address too, in
case I don't already have it. Availability is based on a first come, first
served system.
When you receive your seeds/bulbs you will find, included with them, a
statement of how much money (cash or check) you should send the PBS
treasurer to defray our costs for packing and first-class postage.
Some of you are members of the PBS discussion forum but not members of
THE PBS. Consider joining the PBS so that you can take advantage of future
offers such as this. Go to our website: <> . Or
contact me at
If you would like to donate seeds or bulbs/corms to the PBS, please send
CLEAN, clearly labeled material to: Dell Sherk, PO Box 224, Holicong, PA,
18928, USA. Donors will receive credit on the BX for the cost of postage for
their donations.


From Tsuh Yang Chen:

1. Rhizomes of Gloxinia aff. purpurascens: "It's unfortunate that the genus
Gloxinia is not better known, except as the popular name of the florist
gloxinia, Sinningia speciosa (similar situation to the "amaryllis" in the
genus Hippeastrum or "geraniums" in Pelargonium). The true Gloxinia are a
genus in a group known as rhizomatous in the Gesneriaceae, which also
includes Kohleria, Smithiantha (temple bells) and Achimenes. These
gesneriads produce scaly rhizomes (somewhat resembling elongated pine
cones), that can be broken up in smaller pieces so that almost each scale
will produce a small plant (of course, the bigger the piece, the bigger the
plant). These genera are from tropical America, occurring from Mexico to
South America, and usually suffer from a dry season, hence the rhizomatous
habit. Various species are quite interesting horticultural subjects,
including Gloxinia sylvatica (probably the better known and more widely
grown species, a common garden subject in warmer climates, sometimes known
by its old name, Seemannia latifolia), G. lindeniana, G. nematanthodes, G.
gymnostoma, G. racemosa, G. purpurascens, and G. perennis. Both lindeniana
and perennis also produce fragrant flowers.

This plant is one of my failures at growing indoors as it will not bloom
even with enough light and water. It is apparently found in the region near
Belem in the Brazilian Amazon. I'm told by a botanist that it differs
significantly from the "true" purpurascens from Bolivia, but because he has
not officially described it yet, we are calling it aff. purpurascens. The
somewhat hairy leaves are light green (somewhat resembling basil in color
and shape), and the flowers are predominantly red. As I said, I have not
been able to bloom it indoors but I hope PBS members will have better luck
growing it outdoors in warmer regions or in a greenhouse."

From Arnold Trachtenberg:

2. Lilium sargentiae stem bulbils which I have harvested from a lily from
Chen Yi in China. I over winter them in the refrigerator in moist
potting soil or coir. The lily has thrived here and produces a good
crop of stem bulbils each year.

3. Seeds of Lilium leucanthum var. centifolium from a bulb that was
obtained from the Species Lily Preservation Group.

4. Offsets of Colocasia esculenta which I over winter in a cold attic in
bags of just moist coir.

From Jane McGary:

5. Allium bolanderi: 5", red-and-white flowers, N. California
6. Alstroemeria revoluta: Small lavender flowers; hardiness unknown.
7. Alstroemeria umbellata: Succulent glaucous foliage, large pink flowers on
short stems; from deep scree in Andes foothills, fairly hardy but needs
extreme drainage.
8. Asphodelus acaulis: Morocco; nearly stemless pink flowers;
9. Calochortus clavatus: Tall, bright yellow, rather tender.
10. Crocus oreocreticus: fall-blooming, requires dry summer
11. Dichelostemma congestum: Deep blue flowers on 50-cm stems, early summer.
12. Erythronium helenae: White, fragrant, N. California
13. Fritillaria glauca: scree inhabitant, N. California, short, yellow or
brown flowers
14. Fritillaria striata: S. California, winter-growing, white, fragrant,
should be grown under glass in climates with frost.
15. Fritillaria obliqua: Greece; endangered species; black-purple flowers;
winter protection advised
16. Fritillaria amana (syn. F. hermonis ssp. amana): Green-and purple
striped flowers, late.
17. Crocus pulchellus: fall-blooming, lavender.
18. Crocus hadriaticus f. lilacinus: fall-blooming, lavender.
19. Iris tingitana ssp. fontanesii: N. Africa, bulbous, blue flowers, rather
20. Orthrosanthes chimboracensis: Tender summer-flowering irid, blue
ephemeral flowers; identification tentative.
21. Paradisea lusitanica: Summer-flowering, about 80 cm tall, white.
22. Triteleia crocea: Small yellow flowers (not Bloomeria!)
23. Tulipa cretica: small, pink flowers, mountains of Crete, not very hardy.
24. Tulipa sp. Halda 1991 list #478: Tall bright red.

Thank you, Tsuh Yang, Arnold, and Jane !!

Best wishes,

--Dell Sherk, Director, Pacific BX