I'm collecting material on the genus Alstroemeria in hope of eventually compiling a small book on the subject. One part of this research is learning other growers' experiences. I'd like to correspond and perhaps visit others who have grown both species and hybrids (our forum member Roy Sachs is a notable enthusiast in California, for instance). In particular, I need to answer questions like these: 1. Which species are firmly established in cultivation, and which are considered desirable but not yet established? 2. Which species have been used for hybridizing, other than the well-documented A. ligtu, A. aurea, and A. pulchella? 3. How do commercial hybrids and wild species perform in different climates around the world, especially in the open garden? In particular, what has winter survival been like in regions where winter temperatures regularly fall below 20 degrees F/minus 6 C? 4. How suitable is the current range of hybrids (mostly developed for cutflower production) for planting in gardens? 5. Has anyone attempted to hybridize small, showy species (particularly A. hookeri) with an eye toward creating a low-growing, heavy-flowering group of cultivars for garden borders? I hope some of you can participate in this information-gathering. I've already been growing about 15 species for some years and have viewed and photographed them during three trips to Chile, but I need to do much more! Thanks, Jane McGary Northwestern Oregon, USA