Dear Folks People from all over the world were so kind to send me some Cryptostephanus vansoni. showing the utility of Email. I have measured from all 6 Cryptostephanus vansonii the nuclear DNA content. One out of six is an odd value I like to have your comment please no1. no2 from G. Duncan Kirstenbosch no3 Ken Smith Australia no4 fr Connie and James Abel S Africa no5 ( pink form!) from J Waddick USA All had nearly the same value 44.6 picogram DNA per nucleus. However a ""typical but large leaved white flowering form of J Waddick had 36.4 pg This suggests that it a = hybrid b.= a new species. It would have been simple if the pink form was the odd one ! Moreover a leaf of the other two species might trow some light here too! Ben J.M.Zonneveld Institute of Biology,Leiden University, Clusius lab Wassenaarse weg 64, 2333 AL Leiden, The Netherlands Zonneveld@rulbim.Leidenuniv.NL Fax: +31-71-5274999. min temp -10C (15F)