Lachenalia and Albuca
Mon, 08 Nov 2004 16:19:25 PST

I'm hoping to get pointers from you all about "easy" and "pretty."  I've been 
doing my research and have seen some great info on the PBS Wiki, other 
places, as well as photos that make me kookoo to grow these plants.

But, I wonder if PBS members have advice.  Are there members of either genus 
that are easier-than-commonly-known or which are 

I have had such great luck with Albuca shawii that I wonder if there are a 
few more gems out there to try.  As always, SilverHill seeds has way too many 
choices for my wallet, and I don't know how to choose.  As for Lachenalia, I'd 
really appreciate some expert opinion about how to balance beauty with 

If you can guide me I'd appreciate it.  

Conroe Joe
Sunny days, 55 F at night, no rain for a while

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