Favorite Blue Bulb

Gilbert Nancy L Contr 9 CES/CEC Nancy.Gilbert@beale.af.mil
Mon, 15 Nov 2004 11:59:39 PST
 I am  biased towards California native bulbs, and one of my favorites is
Triteleia laxa, largely because there are so many different shades of blue
and lilac to be seen in different locations. I think the cobalt blue of the
species as seen in Humboldt county, referrred to as 'Humboldt Star' by the
Robinettes, is stunning, especially when it is found blooming alongside
Dichelostemma Ida Maia. Then there is the form found in Fresno County that
the Robinettes called 'Sierra Giant' or 'Dinnerplate' Laxa, which has
unusually large flower heads (diameter as as large as a dinner plate) and
comes in a very soft lilac color. It grows 3 feet tall in some locations and
is lovely to see blooming in the dark shade of a Live Oak.

Nancy Gilbert

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