Hi Gang, A smart reader wrote to me, " Z citrina was supposed to come from Demerara in British Guiana for many decades until Thad Howard found it in Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Apparently the Dutch propagated it in quantity by bulb cuttage and seed is seldom seen around. I wonder if this is the real thing? " So, I wonder if my Z. citrina seeds are really Z. citrina seeds; is there a plant in the trade that masquerades as Z. citrina? I've heard/read that Z. citrina makes seeds via apomixis, and perhaps this is what my plants have done (what I assumed). But, perhaps my yellow-flowered rain lilies are not Z. citrina? My plants came from Plant Delights Nursery about 3 years ago, and sure do perform well in the garden. Cordially, Conroe Joe