
Dell Sherk dells@voicenet.com
Sun, 30 Nov 2003 09:18:51 PST
Dear All,

    Rob Hamilton forwarded this info on Rauhia which was originally sent to
the IBS list by Alan Meerow.

"I'm pretty sure that I posted pics of Rauhia on the IBS gallery.

All Rauhias have green flowers.  2 spp. look like green Phaedranassas,
(R. decora) like a green Eucrosia but without staminal cup or nectar
at the base of the stamens.

They come from seasonally dry inter-Andean valleys along the Maranon and
Utcubamba drainages at intermediate elevations.  Dry them off in winter;
they usually spontaneously begin active growth in spring.  Gritty mix is

    And Alberto Castillo passed on this info.

"As for the Rauhia it
comes from a tropical part of Peru and probably needs hot conditions even
during their dry winter dormancy."

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