Archives, Lachenalia and such
Fri, 28 Nov 2003 15:11:47 PST

I'm new to your list.  I've been having a wonderful time reading through the 
archives, though I could not get the automated search feature to work (so I 
downloaded everything and have been slogging through it).  I really enjoyed some 
of the comments from the members, including comments about pronouncing Latin 
names of plants.  

I grow some southeast-USA type bulbs and enjoy them immensely.  Hymenocallis 
is a favorite species for me as well as Crinum and Zephyranthes (and related 
genera).  I'm not on the Pacific Rim, but grew up there and enjoy reading posts 
from your members.  If I get organized next summer I'll collect seed from Z. 
drummondii for SASE, it is so plentiful locally.  

After searching the archives I'm still confused about Lachenalia and cold.  
Silverhill Seeds claims the seeds they sell should endure quite a bit of cold, 
and they rate all of their Lachenalia offerings "zone 8" in the 2003 printed 
catalog.  On the other hand, others have advised me (from actual experience) 
that the plants shouldn't be expected to take more than 25 F (and that only for 
a short duration), but there are a few tales of surviving down to 20 F or so 
(but the flowers were surely lost for the season).  

Is there any consensus out there on general cold-hardiness of this group?  
Are there any forms more cold hardy than others?



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