>He has a picture of Oxalis peridicaria. Short of a web search which I >didn't have time to do all I can find out about this one is that Paul >Tyerman grows it. Can anyone tell me about it so I know where it belongs? Mary Sue, O. perdicaria is VERY closely related to O. lobata (can be difficult to tell apart depending whether happy ot unhappy (i.e influences size of leaves and flowers etc). Some people regard perdicaria as a "horticultural form" of lobata but I find it odd to have assigned a species name if that were even vaguely the case. Then again, what we now have as perdicaria could have been hybridised with lobata or misnamed somewhere along the way. Certainly they are VERY close (at least what I grow as perdicaria is anyway) with the same distinct leaflet arrangements and gorgeous golden yellow flowers. > >He also has a picture of Oxalis fabaefolia. This one was discussed on the >Australian list and someone gave a reference for it that put it in South >Africa so I have moved it there. Also it seems to be confused with Oxalis >namaquana but I think the consensus was that they were separate species. Is >this right? My memory of the discussion was that what so many of us have here in Australia as O. namaquana is acutally O. fabaeifolia. I think it was worked out in that discussion that O. namaquana actually has 3 leaflets instead of the 2 the fabaeifolia has, plus the flowers on namaquana are a much stronger gold than the paler yellow that we in here have as that species (which the consensus was that it was actually fabaeifolia should look like). That's my memory of it anyway, but that doesn't mean much given how shot to pieces by CFS / ME my memory is <grin>. >What do people think we should do with cultivar names? I notice there are >several names for the various forms of Oxalis purpurea. Are these official? >Should I be including them in the wiki names as a cultivar name or just >write that say in California this form of Oxalis purpurea with purple >leaves in known as Garnet and in New Zealand it is known as Nigrescens. > Don't forget 'Rubra' in Australia, which I think may be the same thing!! <grin> Not sure about that though. I have seen the same thing labelled here as 'Garnet' and 'Rubra' so there is at least mislabelling here in Aus and if they are supposed to be different I don't know which one we actually DO have? I hope this is of some help Mary Sue. Sorry if it is garbled but I am having a bad patch with the CFS but still wanted to try to answer some of your questions. Cheers. Paul Tyerman Canberra, Australia. USDA equivalent - Zone 8/9 mailto:ptyerman@ozemail.com.au Growing.... Galanthus, Erythroniums, Fritillarias, Cyclamen, Crocus, Cyrtanthus, Oxalis, Liliums, Hellebores, Aroids, Irises plus just about anything else that doesn't move!!!!!