Archives, Lachenalia and such
Sun, 30 Nov 2003 04:43:17 PST
In a message dated 11/29/2003 1:31:24 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
L. zebrina which has the most wonderful leaves. It was 
good that I had a chance to admire the leaves since it rotted before it 
bloomed to my dismay. It is probably one of those with leaves that need 
protection from excessive winter humidity and dew.
I too have had difficulty with L. zebrina, seedlings damp off easily and the 
bulbs tend to rot under my growing conditions.  I am now potting them in 100% 
sand and keep them in the alpine plunge where a fan runs 24x7.  L. zebrina f. 
zebrina seems to be more amenable to cultivation here.  Another Lachenalia 
with good looking leaves is L. attenuata.
Mark Mazer
Intarsia Ltd.
Gaylordsville, Connecticut 06755-0142
USDA Zone 5
Giant Schnauzer Rescue

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