Off Topic ????? : Scilla lingulata

Paul Tyerman
Sat, 08 Nov 2003 20:53:09 PST
At 11:49  8/11/03 EST, you wrote:
>Does anyone else grow this dwarf blue charmer?  I've grown it for many years 
>in a pot that is overwintered in a frame, but not yet in the open.  The
4-5 in 
>racemes are borne above short broad glossy green leaves.  It was collected
>Morocco by Michael Salmon.  Sometimes it flowers in December.


Why would this be Off Topic?  It is bulbous (or something close to that)
isn't it?  As far as I knew anything bulbous or related was "On Topic" for
this list?


Paul Tyerman
Canberra, Australia.  USDA equivalent - Zone 8/9

Growing.... Galanthus, Erythroniums, Fritillarias, Cyclamen, Crocus,
Cyrtanthus, Oxalis, Liliums, Hellebores, Aroids, Irises plus just about
anything else that doesn't move!!!!!

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