Bulbinella on wiki

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Tue, 11 Nov 2003 18:02:27 PST
Dear All,

We saw a number of Bulbinellas on our trip to South Africa, but weren't 
able to figure them out as the field guides we had with us were inadequate 
and we didn't make notes of the right features to figure out later. We 
passed an area that had been burned near the Hex River pass and there were 
a lot of interesting things in this spot blooming in the blackened soil. 
This one could be a subspecies of B. latifolia (ssp. denticulata), but I am 
just guessing on that since it would bloom when we saw it bloom and grows 
in that location. According to the key in the Color Encyclopedia we would 
have needed to look at the leaves, sheathing fibers, and roots to be sure. 
The pinkish tinge in the background is oxalis.


Mary Sue

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