Hello All, Some time back Jim S wrote about his naturalizing daffs: They look very nice when in bloom, and we do not cut the grass and weeds in those areas until the foliage has started to yellow off. I don't see much increase in the bulbs so far. I assume this is due to inadequate fertilizer and excessive competition from grass. I've found it only necessary here to leave the daffs for six weeks after the flowers first fade before cutting down the foliage. Six weeks worth of development seems to be enough for the following years flower crop to form. I have certainly found that a good dose of general fertilizer scattered over the whole area of the naturalization to be well worth while in terms of the next years flower crop. I use an ordinary general fertilizer during this recovery period, if I remember, I give a second or even a third dose at two week intervals but do water in if you are going to give more than one dose. We have a commonly available one here called Growmore originally developed for veggie growing in WW2! (I use this for the lawns generally rather than pay through the nose for the specialist products.) One reason for a lower crop of flowers in the second year is that newly planted areas seem to split the bulbs or form many offsets as a reaction to the trauma of the transplanting. They are often dug too soon by the growers in any case, possibly not even my suggested six week recovery period allowed, so that the bulb has not had time to form the next flower bud or one that is there aborts because of this mis-treatment. That other amaryllid, nerine, is like this in its reaction. Once established, naturalized daffodils do not seem to be affected by competition from the grasses. Their roots go deeper. An old planting may seem to regress due to overcrowding. Any of my larger clumps appear to flower better round the edges of the clump, so I lift groups here and there every several years (NO, I don't count the years! time flies away fast enough as it is.) and replant immediately in the very early Autumn. Daffodils do like a long settling period to get well established before the Spring. Regards Hamish Wettish zone 9 - and very wet now - in the central south UK (Please put where you are - it tells a lot about your growing conditions)