germinating Crinum

David Fenwick
Fri, 14 Nov 2003 14:31:53 PST
>>>>>While I agree with  the cultural logic of Cameron and  Dash's
suggestions I also think there could be an alternative reason why the Crinum
seed hasnt germinated.   I have found that  some Crinum seed - particularly
that collected late in the flowering season doesn't germinate regardless of
what  cultural inducements you attempt.

Hi All,
I haven't the same problem as Angelo but I've had another problem this year
with Crinum seed.

Here in SW England it has been a generally good year for Crinum moorei seed
production and I've had some very large and good seed this year. However as
soon as it comes of the plant, the seed softens, shrivels and turns black,
and without being frosted. The cause for this is either 1/ fungal or 2/ or
the fact that the seed is infertile.

In the past I've germinated Crinum moorei by leaving the seed on the warm
top of my computer monitor until a root forms, then as soon as it has it'll
get potted up. I can't help thinking that Angelo's seed may also be
infertile as mine possibly was this year.

Best Wishes,

David Fenwick
NCCPG National Plant Heritage Collections of Crocosmia with Chasmanthe and
The African Garden
96 Wasdale Gardens


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