Oxalis--TOW - More responses

Robin Attrill robin@rpattrill.freeserve.co.uk
Thu, 13 Nov 2003 14:58:29 PST

Some more responses to recent postings.



Mary Sue wrote
> Does this checklist tell where each of the species is from or time of
> bloom? I've looked at the Kew list before when I have been puzzled about a
> name and often all that was listed was the name of the plant and the
> authority and I am afraid I wanted more information than that.
For most species in just quotes the same information as IPNI, particularly
for the non-African taxa, but there is additional data for some species.

> "The potting mix for Oxalis depends on what kind of Oxalis you are
> planting. I find that the winter growing species from the Western Cape
> of South Africa (now correctly the Southern Cape I think) all do best
> planted in a very poor mix with little or no organic material. In
> habitat they almost all grow in pure decomposed sandstone. For these
> growing species I use 50% agricultural pumice, 40% washed builder's sand
> and 10% leaf mould (or less). A mix of pumice and washed builder's sand
> would be adequate without any organics at all. I fertilize with a 15-30-15
> fertilizer at 1/4 strength about once a month. I don't like perlite
> of the dust and because it floats to the top in a planting mix.

> It sounds like Oxalis are very flexible.
They certainly are. The protocol that Michael described is fine providing
the plants do not go without water for long periods. I find the 2 parts soil
based compost (I use JI #2) to one part grit to be better in this respect as
it is more moisture retentive.  I use it for all my Oxalis, both summer and
winter growing.

Andrew wrote....

>O heptaphylla, O. pentaphylla and O. polyphylla. They form a rather unusual
group, but a rather choice one.

This species complex (they are forms of polyphylla) are nice plants and do
increase freely. The Vassar introduction assigned as v. heptaphylla (MV6396)
originates from Vanrhynsdorp, S Africa and is unusual in that it is almost

Lauw wrote..

>There are other Oxalis  with equally  deorative leaves
>like the O palmifrons (still waiting to see the flowers  but very

In my experience this is very difficult to flower. Suggestions welcome!!!!

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