TOW N.H.Do in Dec - Garden

Diane Whitehead
Sun, 30 Nov 2003 19:19:39 PST
Almost everywhere:
Search out those bulbs you bought and plant them!
Remove big dead leaves, like hostas, from winter-flowering small bulb areas.

Northern California (and southern Europe?) - Set out flowering 
florist's cyclamen in a semi-shady spot sheltered from heavy rain.

Southern California, low desert through to Texas (and Mediterranean?) 
- Plant bulbs of anemone, freesia, gladiolus, narcissus, ranunculus 
and prechilled crocus, hyacinths and tulips.  There is still time for 
6 weeks of prechilling tulips in the fridge - they can be planted in 

Mountains and high desert - mulch bulb beds when the ground is not frozen.

Diane Whitehead  Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
maritime zone 8
cool mediterranean climate (dry summer, rainy winter - 68 cm annually)
sandy soil

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