Deeper planting bulbs

Nan Sterman Talkingpoints@PlantSoup.Com
Sun, 16 Nov 2003 22:27:16 PST
>In a recent UK TV programme it was implied that planting bulbs deeper
>than "normal" discouraged bulbs from increasing by side bulblets, and
>consequently gave larger flowers and continuing flowering in subsequent
>years. In this case large flowered tulip hybrids were the example. The
>commentary I think said "deeper planting, equals cooler bulbs, larger
>flowers, longer bulb life", though presumably less bulb increase.
>Is this "cooler bulbs point" a valid argument for bulbs like tulips, or
>indeed bulbs in general? E.g. some reticulate irises which split up much
>more readily than tulips in my experience.

I did some research on lilies (Asiatic and Oriental) for an article I 
wrote last year and the expert I consulted also recommended deep 
planting, in part because the deeper the cooler, and in part because 
the deeper, the better the root system and the sturdier the stem 
which, especially with lilies, tends to be a weak point.  I am sure 
you've seen lilies splayed out on the ground with their over heavy 
blooms just weighing down the poor stems.  Supposedly planting bulbs 
deeper is a way to counter this phenomenon.

Nan Sterman			Plant Soup (TM)
PO Box 231034
Encinitas, CA 92023		760.634.2902 (voice)
Talkingpoints@PlantSoup.Com	760.634.2957 (fax)


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