Re the confusion of the names hirta,crassipes and articulata. Finally had time to look at Alicia Lourteig's paper in Phytologia v.50 (1982) on Oxalis Section Articulatae. The paper is written in Spanish which I do not really know, but I rely on my rather good background in Latin and French for the following. Lourteig recognizes the following plants for this section: articulata,articulata ssp. rubra, articulata ssp. hirta f. crassipes,floribunda, floribunda ssp. ostenii, lasiopetala and monticola. Key to articulata and its subspecies: C. Pubescence dense, more or less straight. Sepals linear, calluses linear or 2-forked. Petals with straight pubescence in the exposed areas at the tip O. articulata ssp. articulata. C. Pubescence short, scanty. Sepals elliptical with small oblong or punctiform calluses. Petals with little pubescence. d. Flowers rose-colored. Sepals with 2 small calluses. O.articulata ssp. rubra ( St. Hil.)Lourteig d. Flowers white. Sepals with 2-4-5 short calluses which are sometimes joined. O.articulata ssp. rubra f. crassipes (Urban) Lourteig. Oxalis articulata: described from a plant collected in 1767 in pastures in Montevideo, Uruguay. Abundant in Uruguay in the Province of Buenos Aires and much rarer in the Entre Rios and in Santa Fe (Argentina) as well in Rio Grane do Sul (Brazil). She studied specimens ( naturalized and cultivated ) in N and S Am.,Europe,S. Africa,Australia and NZ. Oxalis articulata ssp. rubra: described from a plant found by St.Hilaire on the banks of rivers near the village Freguesia Nova in the southern Province of St Paul. Grows in moist places in the Province of Buenos Aires, rare in the south of Uruguay and Brazil. Introduced in N. Am. and Europe and Egypt. Oxalis articulata ssp. rubra f. crassipes: described from a plant cultivated in Germany from " South America ". Lourteig considers this a white-flowered mutation that has been maintained in cultivation. It can be microstylous or mesostylous. Naturalized in Europe, Israel, US, Java and NZ O. hirta of course is from S Afr. Jerry John Flintoff Vashon Island,Washington,USA Zone 8