
Jane McGary janemcgary@earthlink.net
Fri, 14 Nov 2003 18:19:21 PST
Sam Hay asked about sources of Lewisia and bulb books.

Lewisia seeds are best obtained from the exchanges of the various rock 
garden societies. For the North American Rock Garden Society, see 

Lewisia plants of various kinds are sold by several nurseries, such as Mt. 
Tahoma (28111 - 112th Ave. E., Graham, WA 98338; catalog, $3) and Siskiyou 
Rare Plant Nursery <siskiyourareplantnursery.com>.

The best book on bulbs to start out with is also one of the cheapest: Roger 
Phillips and Martyn Rix, "The Random House Book of Bulbs," a paperback in a 
series (the US publication of aseries originated by Pan Books in England) 
available at most large bookstores. It has color photos of hundreds of 
species and brief but very good information on their cultivation needs in 
the UK, which can be interpreted for US purposes.

Jane McGary
Northwestern Oregon

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