
Arnold Trachtenberg
Sat, 15 Nov 2003 15:15:09 PST
Mary Sue:

I think you would   need the code system for books containing numerous 
genus.  In that case a code or a two letter designation could be used to 
refer to each book.  Books that are  a single genus like the Cyclamen or 
the Galanthus work could be listed  as just that.

For example for the Phillips & Rix book it would be { PR}

On the Fritillaria sibthorpiana image link would be PR page 95 or 
something like that.

On the Galanthus elwesii image link would be PR page 13, 15 or BDG pg. 
7, 32, 166, 341 ( Bishop, Davis & Grimshaw) A Monograph of Cultivated 

I would hope that we could designate one person or a team to upload the 
reference material for each genus.  I think the format would be critical 
going forward.  Time should be spent getting it right before the time is 
spent to create the references.

Now any volunteers?


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