Non Chemical Weed Control

Lauw de Jager
Sun, 09 Nov 2003 10:39:08 PST
Ken and forum members,
I very much appreciated Ken's intervention as it coincides well m  with my
nursery experien
ce. Simazin and Casoron are in my opinion too harsh. The more re ommended
chemicls are CPIC (chlorpropham) in combination with Goltix (metamitron).
Allways preceded with  contact herbicides (Paraquat or Glyphosate) during
the domant season  and a last treatment just before emergence. For large
cale cultivation  I could not go without the use of pre emergent chemicals.
But there are  other means to ruce the weed population:
  Especially  for the summer growers I have drastically reduced the
frequency of irrigation, without a noticable reduction in growth and
resulted in far less weeds.  The use of  drip irrigation tubes positioned
under the mulch  has been interesting improvement  for Cannas, Crinum,
Hedychium, Dahlias and other summer growers  (2 drip tubes on a 110cm(50")
wide bed.
Also a general use of a thick layer of mulch  has  very much reduced weed
growth. Both for summergrowers and winter growers; in some cases in the open
ground (and in allcases in containers) I use  1- 2cm of gravel mulch.
Of course as Ken also stated, thereis also some had left to do,  butit
remains  acceptable this way
Regards from France (where we have just finished  getting our remaining
stock into the ground)

Lauw de Jager
South of France (zone 8 Olivier)


le 9/11/03 4:04, Kenneth Hixson à a écrit :
 As a followup to the pre-emergent weed control discussion, some of the
> techniques I have used here might be interesting

> Those of us with dry summers can also reduce weeding by using drip irrigation
> instead of overhead sprinklers.  There is still some weeding, but in truth, I
> rather like to weed--a little.
> Ken, western Oregon

Lauw de Jager

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