Schizostylis DNA test costs
Fri, 28 Nov 2003 02:35:00 PST
Bill Lee was enquiring about costs and timing associated with the tests.  
As this research is pretty leading edge in terms of cultivar 
identification it is not cheap and we are talking significant 4 figure 
sums.  However as and when the processes become more common in practice 
costs will drop..  Chemicals and man hours are the main cost components.
  Let's face it many genera have  difficult identification problems when 
following normal botanical procedures.  This usually results in a lot of 
argument and confusion,so that any plantsman who wants to establish 
certainty in his stock is going to try to achieve results using DNA 
Re time scales this particular test will have to fit in with Bioprofiles 
other ongoing work but we expect results in the first quarter of 2004.  
The test itself involves about 240 hours using the technique of developing 
microsatellites and analysing them on a automated genetic analyser. 
Successful test work has already been carried out against  a small 
selection of pelargonium cultivars and we are confident that we can 
produce valid data.
regards Alan Kennedy
NCCPG National Collection of Schizostylis Cultivars

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