Calochortus Seed judgement call

Joyce Miller
Tue, 30 Jul 2002 18:27:29 PDT
Dear Mary Sue,
         In terms of experience growing Calochortus, you are my 
bettor.  This spring I had my first Calochortus bloom and I am sure it came 
from a bulb you donated.  I do not devalue my skill, however, I honestly 
recognize the areas in which I have not accumulated growing 
experience.  Calochortus have special germinating and summer dry 
requirements.  I am finally to the point of turning full attention to this 
beautiful bulb.
         What I did was stick the drying stalks in damp soil.  My question 
was whether, if the stalk appeared brown and dry, would it be safe to cut 
the pod from the stalk and let it ripen in a warm place.
         The bulbs themselves are not planted and are awaiting fall 
planting.  Ditto all but one bulbil.  Best, Joyce

Kind regards,  Joyce Miller

Zone USDA 9A Summer highs 100+degrees F for several to many days.  Winter 
lows 27 degrees F 

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