Dear All, Rob posted this to the Australian Bulbs list and I am sure that everyone who is on this list is going to want to know about this wonderful resource as well so I am forwarding it to this list. May I suggest that since there are different members on both lists that if you belong to both and you have something really interesting to share that you send the message to both lists. I think Shayne has already done that a few times. Those of us on both can just delete the second message and no one will miss out. Now if only I had the time to look at all of Rod's pictures. As Rob points out we may all want more seeds! Thanks Rob. Mary Sue Hi all, Just in case I'm not the last one to find this. I discovered the link below while looking around Silverhill Seeds- a gallery of photos taken by Rod Saunders. Go to: Select Picture Databank Then search Author Name Contains Saunders You will then find 380 images most of which are bulbs. Each has a short description. To list a few I really fancied: Stunning Brunsvigia bosmaniae Amazing Gethyllis flowers and foliage- 5 to see Incredible broad twisted foliage of Haemanthus namaquensis- in fruit Heaps of Iridacea , Lachenalia and Shrubs. Hope you enjoy as much as I am. Rob