I have been growing Lachenalia's for the last 4 years, starting from seed. Most I have tried were easy enough and have flowered. I began with 4in pots from seed and then moved the largest 5 bulbs of each type into 6in clay pots. I only fertilize sporadically, but will be trying to be more methodical in the future. Last year I put all my extra small L. bulbs together into a large (20") but shallow (6") clay pot. These small bulbs grew and flowered as well or better than the large bulbs in the smaller pots. The same potting mix was used for both. About a month ago I was surprised by some relativly huge (Easily twice the size of any I have grown) Lachenalia at the local garden center. L. aloides varients (I can only assume as they were only labeled Cape Cowslip, mostly yellow with spotted leaves) planted 3 per 4" pot in a almost pure peat mix (no sand). The grower is located on the coast here in Half Moon Bay. Because they were well past our regular season here ( mine start to flower in January ) I can only assume they were held in storage and then grown on in a cool greenhouse. I can only guess how they performed so well, perhaps controlled environment and the longer day length ??? Chad Schroter From ???@??? Tues 9 Jul 07:02:41 2002 Subject: Lachenalia To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org> From: "Ixia" <ixia@dcsi.net.au> Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2002 20:33:08 +1000 Chad, nice to find another Lach grower. Your growing methods sound similar to mine except I don't use clay pots, only black plastic and I use very little fertiliser , if anything, I use blood and bone here. They do not need it. My larger bulbs flower every year, flower profusely, seed profusely. Some are almost weedy although I am not complaining about this. Many are grown here in the garden and left in all year. You can buy some species in our supermarkets. They are used as "borders" lovingly nicknamed "soldier boys" as they seem to stand to attention and look lovely in rows. They will even endure our frosts. I have proven this here with mine as each year I bring some out for the winter months and they survive, even high rainfalls. I grow them just as well under cover as long as they get good airflow and light. A very adaptable plant at least with the species I grow. My Lachenalias are showing first signs of blooms. This is always a nice time of the year although it is cold here. Also I've got some nice little seedlings from last years seed planting's coming on but I guess I'll have to wait a bit longer for flowers from them. regards, Bill Richardson Gippsland Australia