What I grow

Ixia ixia@dcsi.net.au
Fri, 05 Jul 2002 16:03:16 PDT
I guess most of you will know me even though I haven't had time to post much
for ages because of work commitments.
My favourites are the South African Iridaceae and my and I have an eternal
and passionate love affair with Ixia (swoon). Check out my website :
but I grow lots of other species.
In the last two years I've built up a BIG collection of Hippeastrums (god
forbid!!) and really don't know what I 'm doing with them. Most of them are
in poly boxes and I don't have room for them in the garden. Any suggestions
I am trying to collect EVERY species of Ixia as well as hybrids and also
hope to collect as many Lachenalias as I can. They just love my climate year
and grow so well for me.
I'd be interested in any Lachenalia seed available. Email me privately.
Welcome aboard everyone.
May PEACE reign forever here with us (except maybe for a few heated bulb
Bill Richardson
0-17c. Beautiful days of Autumn.
Ixia site: http://www.angelfire.com/ri/ixia/
Suite 101 site: http://suite101.com/welcome.cfm/bulbs_and_plants

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