Hi Lauw, It grows easily from seed which it produces in very abundant numbers from late July to October, it tolerates dry shade but does best in amongst larger bulbs such as Kniphofia, Crocosmia, larger Gladioli and Moraea alticola; where it shades the soil on a south facing border preventing the soil from drying out. Ideal groundcover for taller summer flowering moisture lovers. Late autumn its seeds can be harvested and it can be cut back to the ground, and will re-emerge during late spring from its roots, has taken -5C in damp to wet ground, so is pretty hardy as well. It will also self-seed itself and one plant has the potential to cover one square yard with ease in good fertile soil in one season from seed. Sadly its flowers are very small. Do you want any seed, a large amount is possible ? It is used in South Africa to treat migraines, I must find out how. Best Wishes, Dave