Pitchin' in

Joyce Miller onager@midtown.net
Sun, 07 Jul 2002 10:48:07 PDT
Dear Bill and All,
         With our group being small (at least for the moment) being a 
lurker is not a good option if we are to hold interest.  So, Bill, tell us 
about Massonia and I will describe the process of recommending bulbs for 
the UC/D Greenhouse.
         Ernesto Sandoval, Curator, asked for bulbs that were 'pretty.'  As 
you know, each genera has showy species and dull species.  A species named 
"pallida" would probably not make the cut.  The choices would have to be 
hardy outside in the Davis, California climate.  This climate is the same 
as Sacramento with about 14 inches of annual rainfall between the months of 
late October through April.  Winter temperatures are usually 27 degrees F, 
with some years down to 18 degrees F.  Summer highs can be in the 100 
degree range for many days in the summer.  In short, USDA Zone 9.  Davis' 
in ground growing conditions are brutal because of high Boron 
content.  Therefore, UC/D will grow the bulbs in pots using its own mix.
1.      Create spreadsheet listing family, genera, species,variations (v), 
color and height, as given in the Silverhill Seeds catalog and its 
'ephemeral' Amaryllidaceae list.
2.      Access Greenhouse web site, by genera, for greenhouse holdings.
3.      Cross reference web site data to spreadsheet; eliminate duplications
4.      Assemble my major bulb reference books:  John Bryan's 'Bulbs,' Hobbs
   and Hatch  'Best Bulbs for a Temperate Climate, RHS 'Manual of Bulbs' and
   the Goldblatt books on Gladiolia and Moreae.  I have other bulb books, but
   these are my standbys.  There was sometimes a one or two USDA zone
   difference between Silverhill Seeds and John Bryan, with Bryan being the
   more conservative.
5.      A few genera were eliminated at the start e.g. Lachanalia and
    Ferraria species because of current holdings, my biases, bulbs known to
    be weak growers in the Sacramento area etc.
6.      Check attractive options. Record notes and comments for or against.
7.      Prune list to 50 choices.  My recommendations are listed below.
Albuca batteniana,
Androcymbium pulchrum,
Anomatheca grandiflora,
Babiana angustifolia, B. distacha, B. rubrocyanea, B. vanzyliae,
Brunsvigea marginata (with recommendation for added potash)
Bulbinella cauda-felis, B. latifolia v doleritica,
  B. latifolia v latifolia,
Clivia miniata citrina,
Crocosima pottsii,
Daubena aura,
Dietes grandiflora,
Dilatris pillansii,
Eucomis pole-evansii,
Freesia corymbosa,
Galaxia fugacissima,
Geissorhiza imbricata, G. splendissima, G. tubaghensii,
Gladiolus carinatus, G. debulis 'Painted Lady',G. floribundus v floribundus,
   G.orchidiflorus, G. papilio 'Butterfly,' G. watermeyeri,
Gloriosa superbus 'Flame Lily,'
Hesperantha pauciflora,
Ixia dubia,
Littonia modesta,
Massonia depressa,
Moraea fugax, M. polystacha, M. tripetala, M. villosa,
Ornithogalum maculatum,
Polyxena corymbosa,
Romulea sabulosa, R. tabularis,
Sparaxis grandiflora v acutiloba,
Spiloxine capensis,
Talbotia elegans,
Tritonia deusta,
Veltheimia capensis,
Watsonia aletroides,
Zantedeschia albomaculata,
         Of course, as I did my research, I found a few bulbs I could not 
live without, but which either did not make the cut above, had growing 
requirements not available at the Conservatory or I was afraid Ernesto 
would cut them.
B. odorata, B. patersoniae, B. sinuata, Bulbinella cauda-felis, 
Cryptostepahus vansonii, Daubenya aurea, D. namaguana, Galaxia fugacissima, 
G. ovata, Gethyllis villosa, Hessea stelleris, Ixia maculata, I. 
viridifloris, Massonia depressa, Strumeria tenella, S. truncata

Kind regards,  Joyce Miller

Joyce E. Miller   mailto:onager@midtown.net
859 56th Street,
Sacramento, California 95819-3319  USA
Zone USDA 9A Summer highs 100+degrees F for several to many days.Winter 
lows 27 degrees F 

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