
Lauw de Jager
Fri, 05 Jul 2002 23:12:20 PDT

Dear All,
As I may be amongst several participants who I don't know, here a short introduction:
 Being a 'refugee' of the IBS forum thanks for having me on your list.
In the south of France not far from the mŽditerranean, I run a small
bulb nursery specialising in bulbs for the mediterranean climate.
Amongst the many mediterranean species I have  a particular interest in
South african wintergrowers including a collection of Moraeas.
  At the moment we have lifted most of the bulbs.Weather has been very
hot and we are now busy repotting, grading and replanting the stock.
 My primary interest in the list is exchanging information on botanical
species and its cultivation. But not in the least, a discussion forum
has proved to be a terrific means of  getting to know and make friends
amongst people with a common interest. I look forward to making  new
friends and  and continue the contacts with those made in the past.
Kind regards 
Lauw de Jager 
BULB'ARGENCE, 30300 Fourques, France
RŽgion: Provence/Camargue; Climat: Zone 9a (Mediterranean)
Tel: 33 466 016 519    Fax: 33 466 011 245
"GUIDE POUR BULBES  MƒDITERRANƒENS" disponible, prix 10 Euro
(Summer autumn planting catalog is available)
(Catalogue 'plantation ŽtŽ-automne' est disponible, 
      expedition esp�ces ˆ floraison fin d'ŽtŽ/automne en cours)

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