On a slightly different topic, Dave mentioned that worms were a problem in his pots, and that Benomyl was a possible solution. I have exactly the same problem, and have been looking for a solution for ages. The only trouble is, I haven't seen any Benomyl containing fungicides around for ages, and thought they had been banned in the UK. Do you know the names of any that are still commercially available to amateurs? Best wishes, Paul Hi Paul, Yes benomyl has been banned, but at first there was a voluntary removal, I don't know if it has been banned commercially though in the UK. It's easier to obtain than mercuric compounds or aldrin that were once used to kill everything but you'll have to try hard to find it. Usually small DIY or gardening shops are the best. The history of benomyl and worms goes back to a commercial problem that occured in the Vale of Evesham, where yields of onions were falling. ADAS at the time looked into this and found that where benomyl was used to treat white rust the population of worms had dropped significantly, year upon year, therefore the soil was less aerated, hence the drop in yield. Actually a few golf greenkeepers started to use it because of its anti-worm properties. The next thing I'll try for the worms is chilli powder, natures home made irritant !!! Thanks for the info on pumice. Best Wishes, Dave (Plymouth)