Dear all, For those who do not know me I am an industrial chemist, I live in Essex, UK and am originally from the Isle of Wight. My horticultural interests are wide but share a common thread in that I aim to grow plants that I like by providing conditions to suit them, rather than choosing plants to suit exisiting conditions. I regard myself as a plantsman, not a gardener - 'garden design' is not a concept that I can identify with - and I never believe the accuracy of the name on any packet of seeds until I see the end result! My main geophyte interests are the genus Romulea, and the cormous Oxalis of southern Africa and the Americas, but I also grow Lachenalias, Leucocorynes, Haemanthus, and a number of other genera under glass including species Pelargoniums. In the open garden I grow other interests including Paeonia, Tulipa, Narcissus and cultivars of Papaver Orientale. In general I like most flowers with the notable exception of double-flowered Snowdrop cultivars! Outside of horticulture my interests are also natural history orientated, particularly the birds, dragonflies and hoverflies of the Isle of Wight. Best Wishes Robin Attrill