Dear Pacific Bulb Society, congratulations on your all new venture, may I extend to you my best wishes and offer my assistance in helping you in any way I can. As my knowledge of bulbs is limited, I have joined this group in view of extending my knowledge base further. I do grow a range of geophytes, with my favourites being those of a dwarf or miniature nature. Since stumbling into the world of bulbs, a few years ago, I still haven't left Southern Africa and it's enormous range native flora. Australian native bulbs hold a place in my heart, but as yet only a few, have made into my garden. My biggest joys in the garden are seeds. I love watching new life emerge every season, with their promise of things to come. It's the time between the seed and the bloom that gives you a garden life to enjoy. I look forward in participating and hearing about the highs and lows we all experience in our own parts of the world. Regards, Shayne. P.O. Box 97, Wodonga, Vic, 3689.