
Mark Wilcox
Mon, 22 Jul 2002 11:46:41 PDT
Hi all,

My name is Mark Wilcox, and I live in Washington, DC.  I became interested
in gardening in 1996, when I moved to a house on Capitol Hill and saw a
seemingly infinite variety of flowering plants grown in the postage stamp
gardens around me.

I have no formal horticultural education and no business reason for growing
bulbs.  My interest stems from a simple fascination with the beauty of
flowers.  I grow mostly smaller bulbs as the amount of space in which I
have to garden is quite limited.  Small bulbs mean I can fit more in, have
more plants.  I also concentrate on bulbs that are hardy in my area, and
enjoy growing things from seed.

Thinking about this intro has caused me to reassess the different kinds of
bulbs I grow.  There are more than I would've thought.  The ones that come
to mind are:  Galanthus, Crocus (both spring- and fall-blooming), tulips
(tending toward species lately), Iris reticulata, Hyacinthus, small
Gladiolus, Hyacinthoides hispanicus, Clivia miniata, various Cyclamen,
Scilla siberica, S. peruviana, various Anemones, Crocosmia, Crinum, X
Amarcrinum, various Lycoris, a variety of Colchicums, Ornithogolum, various
Habranthus and Zephyranthes, Sandersonia aurantiaca, Gloriosa superba,
various Chionodoxa, Belamcanda flabellata, Roscoea, Arum italicum,
Rhodophiala bifida (with several other kinds recently started from seed),
Narcissus, Amaryllis belladonna, various Hippeastrums (most of which come
inside in winter), Corydalis, Griffinia aracensis, and small Dahlias.

While I must've forgotten some things, that gives you an idea.

I've found that lists such as this one are excellent sources of
information, and great pointers to additional info on the web, in books,
and elsewhere. Having patient, knowledgable people who are willing to share
their experience really helps.  Conversely, the run-of-the-mill gardening
magazines on the newsstands are virtually no help at all.

I'm very happy to be here with you all, and have enjoyed reading all the
other introductions,


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