Does anyone know whether we're allowed to post photos (JPG files) to this group? Lyn Edwards said the Ariseamas are a favorite. Right now in the garden, I have the asian Ariseama heterophyllum in bloom, an impression giant species, yet hardy here. The shoots didn't appear until mid June! ... just about two weeks ago, then a spectacular, striped and mottled spathe-covered shoot pops out of the ground and grows with amazing speed. I had two shoots, one being a heavy-textured leaf shoot, the other being the flowering shoot, also with one stalwart leaf... the stem about 4' tall, the single leaf with about 15 crinkled and corrugated leaflets suspended from a handle-bar-like leaf-rim, then a leathery-textured spathe, whitish-green inside and veined, with the upturned rat-tail spadix shooting upwards for another 8-10", bringing the plant close to 5' in height! I can post pictures to the group, if pictures are allowed, or if not, I can post a new page to my website if anyone is interested in seeing the plant. For those interested in the genus Arisaema, last year I posted an Ariseama gallery at:… Mark McDonough Pepperell, Massachusetts, United States "New England" USDA Zone 5 ============================================== >> web site under construction - << alliums, bulbs, penstemons, hardy hibiscus, western american alpines, iris, plants of all types!