Calochortus Seed judgement call

Mary Sue Ittner
Tue, 30 Jul 2002 17:42:24 PDT
Dear Joyce,

I was just about to take a stab at this one until I read:
  What say my bettors?

How could anyone answer that? Do I understand that you replanted the bulbs 
and are wondering about when to harvest the seeds? Or did you just stick 
the pod in soil? Didn't someone say sometimes you could put flowers in 
water and seed would continue to ripen? I'm not answering mind you because 
I don't consider myself your bettor, but will comment that the Robinetts 
told me you could harvest Calochortus seed (pick the pods) before they were 
completely dry and open and the seed would still be viable. I've done it 
with some of the local Calochortus uniflorus that have pretty markings 
since I can never find them later to collect seed after they are dried out. 
I just put them in a warm place (upstairs this time of year) and let them 
open naturally.

Mary Sue 

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