
Cynthia Mueller
Sat, 06 Jul 2002 05:08:24 PDT
Hello to all,

I would like to introduce myself - I live in Central Texas and hope to learn from occasional bulb discussions that I could adapt to my region - which is certainly not an easy one.  Climate is a mixture of winters that occasionally dip to freezing, but once in awhile go to 18 or 19 degrees F.   Possibly 400 to 500 chill hours. Summers have nighttime temperatures in the 80's and daytime temperatures usually in the mid 90's but often over 100.  Rain might not come for several months, then it might rain and drizzle for 10 days at  stretch.  There is humidity.  The soil is alkaline, needs help, and the city water has salts.

But I keep busy in the garden!  Because I was raised in South Pasadena, California, a few miles from the Huntingdon Gardens, hope springs eternal in my breast!  After I retired, I became a fulltime volunteer in Horticulture at Texas A&M University, then went to work creating e-communications and doing web work.  I'm a member of Garden Writers, Herb Society of America, Master Gardeners, NPSOT, and others. I write garden articles on the side, especially for Neil Sperry's Gardens.  Special likes are Hippeastrums, rain lilies, herbs, and Mexican plants, roses, pelargoniums, opuntias/nopales, glads and crinums.

I'll be interested in hearing tales from California, especially.

-Cynthia W. Mueller
Zone 8b - 9
College Station, Texas

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