Frit pudica

Robert Hamilton
Sat, 06 Jul 2002 09:56:21 PDT
Greetings to  all from yet another on the other side of the  Pacific.

I have raised this problem before on another forum without getting any  

I have no trouble raising Fritillaria pudica from seed - the problem is 
making them  grow to flowering size. The leaves seem to  grow at a very  
slow rate and  so far, for me, never attain flowering size. I am  
growing in pots. Does anyone have any advise ?

Flowering here mid winter are hoop petticoats, crocus , colchicum, 
cyclamen  and reticulata  iris.


Dr R F Hamilton
7 Beach Road
Snug  7054
Tasmania, Australia
Temperate Marine  Climate -equivalent USDA 8-9
Extremes -2  to  39 degrees C.
Average rainfall  27.7 inches - fairly evenly spread.

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